Te Omanga Hospice Trust
The Board of Trustees is accountable for ensuring that the Hospice is properly governed and effectively managed, is sustainable financially and operationally and that financial reporting and statutory compliance are confirmed by independent audit.
The Hospice Constitution
The constitution of the Te Omanga Hospice Trust was registered with the Registrar of Charitable Trusts on 1st July 1993. The Board of Trustees is governed by the rules of incorporation contained within that constitution and amendments thereto.
Status of Te Omanga Hospice Trust
Te Omanga Hospice Trust is a charitable organisation, approval for which was granted by the Inland Revenue Department on 1st March 1994. This provided exemption from Income Tax on Income, exemption from Income Tax on business income derived by the Trustees in trust for charitable purposes in New Zealand, exemption of qualifying gifts from estate and gift duties and exemption from conveyance duty in relation to conveyance of property to the trust.
The Hospice obtained registration with the Charities Commission on 01/04/2008.
Te Omanga Hospice Trust was granted exemption from Resident Withholding Tax on Interest and Dividends on 9th March 1994 (Certificate 62-393-572 refers).
Management Policies
The Board expects the CEO to develop policies to guide management and employees as they carry out their day to day operations. The Board will periodically review management policies and procedures to ensure that they meet expectations. The Board requires that the CEO provide it with a list of current policies with a brief explanation as to the current status of each, annually.
The role of the Board of Trustees is to:
- Set the overall direction of the Hospice by defining and approving the Philosophy, Mission, Vision, Values, the Strategic Goals, the Strategic Plan and Board Policies
- Select, appoint, manage and support the CEO
- Approve the delegations to the CEO
- Make decisions, generally based on recommendations of the CEO. This will be guided by the delegations assigned to the CEO and the retained powers of the Board (see below)
- Monitor management performance and the overall performance of the Hospice against the requirements incorporated in the bullet point above
- Ensure Hospice operations conform to legal requirements and financial management obligations
- Ensure that the organisation adopts sound practices and procedures in order to meet its financial management and reporting obligations
- Ensure the on-going financial viability of the organisation
- Establish and maintain long term and strong relationships with stakeholders, including the Te Omanga Hospice Foundation
- Conduct periodic evaluation of its own composition and performance

Blair Smith
Trustee (Chartered Accountant)

Daniel Mitchell
Trustee Intern

Debbie Tse
Trustee (Company Director)

Dianna Taylor
Trustee (Chief Executive)

Gavin Murphy
Trustee (Business Manager)

Gerard Dewar
Trustee (Solicitor)

Howard Clentworth
Trustee (Consultant)

Kevin Broome
Trustee (Commercial, Marketing and Fundraising)

Kura Moeahu
Trustee (Tumu Whakarae/Principal Cultural Advisor of Parliament)

Michele McCreadie
Chairperson (General Manager)