Thank you for your interest in making a donation to help Te Omanga Hospice provide specialist palliative care and support for patients, and their family and whānau. This year we need to raise $6.5 million, around 50% of our annual cost for our free services, with the balance coming through our contracts with Health NZ – Wairarapa and Health NZ – Hutt Valley.  

You can make a credit card payment for a single, or regular donation, by using the form below.  

Alternatively, you can pay directly into the Te Omanga Hospice Trust bank account: 06-0507-0816463-00. Please put ‘donation’ and your surname as references, and tell us you’ve made the donation so we can send you a receipt – email or call 04 979 6681. 

Ways you can donate:

Donate Online

To make a secure one-off use the form above.

Donate by Internet Banking

You can make a donation to our hospice directly from your bank account.

Please pay into the Te Omanga Hospice Trust bank account 06-0507-0816463-00 or search for “Te Omanga Hospice” as a payee (major banks have our bank account already loaded to their system). 

Please include “donation” as your reference and let us know so we can send you a receipt. Email or call 04 979 6681.

Donate in Person

You are welcome to personally bring your donation to Te Omanga Hospice. You can make a donation in person by cash, eftpos or credit card. We are located at 136 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt.

By setting up a regular donation, you will become one of a growing number of loyal supporters who are committed to seeing hospice care remain free of charge to all those who need it.

You can contribute a manageable amount at a frequency that suits you. Fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annual options are available and no amount is too big or small.

Your loved one may have requested in lieu of flowers that donations be made to Te Omanga Hospice, or you may feel this is what they would have wanted. If you choose this option your Funeral Director will be able to advise how this will be handled at the service.

Our Days of Care fundraising programme is a unique opportunity for you to choose a specific Day of Care to help us provide much needed palliative care and support to patients and their families in our community.

A gift of $1,500 helps provide one patient with one day of specialist palliative care and support.

Find out more at Days of Care. 

If you would like to raise money to support the work of Te Omanga Hospice but do not know where to start then email us for assistance. Once you have decided what you would like to organise let us know and we will offer practical advice and support.

Are you up for a challenge this year?

If you are planning something exciting, fun, adventurous or new, whatever the level of difficulty or endurance we would like to be part of your challenge. Get your supporters on board and use your event to raise much needed funds and make a difference to those living with a life limiting condition.

Feel like getting social?

What about getting together with your friends, family, community group or work colleagues and arrange something social to raise money for Te Omanga. There is so much you can do coffee mornings, raffles, quizzes … and we will be there to give advice and support your initiative.

To find out more about events at Te Omanga contact us here

A bequest (sometimes called a gift-in-Will) is a wonderful way to support the work of Te Omanga Hospice beyond your lifetime. It’s a gesture of kindness which means a great deal to the people we care for in the Hutt Valley community, and ensures our services remain free to all.  

For over 40 years the Hospice has provided specialist palliative care and support for those living in the Hutt Valley with a terminal or life-limiting illness, and their whānau. Our services are delivered through a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, and therapists in our purpose-built facilities at Woburn Road, in a patient’s home or in one of the many Aged Residential Care Facilities in the Hutt Valley. 

Read more at Bequests.