From financial donations, major gifts, in kind donations and corporate volunteering – every donation and offer of support is utilised and managed with the respect it deserves.

Each offer of sponsorship is treated in a unique way, and we spend time to work with you to ensure the sponsorship benefits and recognition, work and make sense for your business.

To find out more please contact our fundraising team on 04 979 6681 or email


Ways your business can support us:

Te Omanga is a highly respected charity and our fundraising team works closely with our corporate partners to develop the most appropriate partnership that will add value to their business. For significant financial contributions to our organisation through sponsorship, we can offer the use of our brand to profile your support of our work.


Should you wish to make a significant contribution to Te Omanga please contact us to discuss the kind of gifts that could strengthen the work we do in the community for people living with a life limiting condition and their families.


Every year we are looking for prizes for our major fundraising event, The Vintners’ Lunch, as well as a range of other fundraising opportunities. Making a donation of goods to auction or products to use can make a real difference.


You can also donate items for use at the hospice. Please talk to us if you would like to consider supporting the hospice in this way and we can let you know what we need.

In return we can ensure we publicise your generosity and support for Te Omanga through our website, Newsletters, Facebook page and annual Thank You event for our supporters.


Our Te Omanga Hospice collection boxes can sit on a reception counter, waiting room, bar top or similar.  These collection boxes are a passive way for you to support Te Omanga Hospice and consequently show your support for the work we do.


Provide your employees with time to volunteer and contribute to our work first hand.

If you are interested in finding out any more about our sponsorship programme,  please contact our fundraising team on 04 979 6681 or email


Thanks to our generous event sponsors:

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NW Island Bay
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